Sunday, April 13, 2008

right time to be more serious with studyin stuffs

im in such a hive for getting sum more depression factors from sum academic announcement as a warning and tragic wake up call for sum-listed-students who are in danger of pre-drop-out system. it's like to scream my lung out when i found my name in sum-listed-students-list. uooh.. it's like a huge slap for me.i fell into pieces to see how this system works.yes it works to break all students's heart. however, no matter how embrassing and humiliating this reawakening, i still should keep struggling for paying off all unachieved grade level in every block i failed. i realized dat i played too much in semester 2 which i failed all blocks to make up. damn, and now i cant stop damning all distractions dat i dunno what they were actually. it's such a super regret for me to leave all semester-2-blocks that all i can do is juz keep trying to manage all of blocks with super duper attention as i shuld have considered thinkin about the consequences for being in this fucking list which it allows students to not getting in the next grade/year, it means also that if we dun really achieve"what it appeals and requires for allowing student to walk straight into the next grade" we may suppose to get stuck in damn same year and class as under or lower batch's . it's like a most suffering hell oooohhh. ya, now, again, i have to cheer up and take it as a great concern since im just like to stand nearby dragon's mouth or like sitting on a tip of sword * i know it's super exaggerating but really it's what i feel*. semangat semangat!!!!

another interesting moment i have in this week is my sister's birthday celebration. we didnt have sum cool party actually which full of girls and boys frens dancing on the floor. only we both celebrated it. my lil sis didnt wanna have a complicated stuffs on his birthday celebration like party or hanging out with friends.yes we know how birthday party is like. whoaa.. we already experienced it. well, chaos everywhere. haha, it's not like a real chaos anyway, juz preety better yet it's still sorta annoying and exhausting, that's why she decided to not having a party for her 18. yes sister, it's really no problem,really, as what we should rely on is - being older means we have greater responsibility for ourselves- . it's all about being mature and leaving all damn annoying attitude and kiddies thought. believe me.

anyway, i juz watched american idol result show for this week. and oh shit bananas.. MICHAEL JOHNS was eliminated!!! whata ugly result i know this far. why should him??? huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhu. the judges seemed shook of this result and the more so am i!.he sang very good song and he's so charming out there, but why should he leave the stage?? T.T again, WHY!!!?? i think there sum fuckin worse performances from other idols, but why should he leave? why?? please American.. do vote the good one.please.

okie then. i think im sorta uncreative for tonite. i have no idea to tell. under more pressure of debate competition which coming soon, all i can do is juz try my best. * anyway, inside my heart keep wishpering me to hope we wont go to DC huu since i feel bad of this.weird*

semangat semangat!!

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